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My Piggybank App, and how chatbots will help us?

I recently felt the urge to dive back into coding and try my hand at a new project. After spending so much time working on websites, I wanted to create something different. That’s when I came up with the idea of a Piggybank app, an application that helps users save money for specific items and tracks their progress along the way.

I had attempted to create a similar app in the past, but it was a bit clunky and didn’t look very appealing. This time around, I used ChatGPT’s help, and the results were astounding. With the assistance of this powerful tool, I was able to streamline my development process, troubleshoot issues quickly, and create an app that not only functions well but also looks sleek and modern. It doesn’t solve all your problems

The Piggybank app is straightforward to use. You can add different items you’re saving for and track your progress. The app calculates how much money you need to save each month to reach your goal.

large language models.

In other news, this week has been a whirlwind in the world of AI and large language models. Google made a news update for Google Docs, and Microsoft unveiled their 360 integration. Additionally, the release of GPT4 and the unveiling of ERNIE Bot by Baidu are game-changers for the industry. Well one of them more then the other anyway.

It’s exciting to see how these technological advancements are changing our world, but it’s also a bit scary to think about the potential consequences of such rapid innovation. However, as a hobbyist, I am grateful for these tools that allow me to create something useful and fun, like my Piggybank app.

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